Discomforter in Chief

2 min readMay 4, 2020


People are offering an overwhelmingly positive reaction to Bush’s video statement calling for an end to partisanship during the epidemic. They feel comforted by his words, and point out the contrast between Bush’s attempt at unity compared to Trump’s obvious divisiveness and lack of sympathy.

Okay, I’ll give this much: Bush is different than Trump, like a horsefly is different than mosquito. Both bite, and one spreads disease.

“In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants,” Bush said, “we are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together and we are determined to rise.”

Ask the Iraqis if they feel comforted.

“Let us remember, we have faced times of testing before,” Bush continued. “Following 9/11, I saw a great nation rise as one to honor the brave, to grieve with the grieving and to embrace unavoidable new duties.”

Yes, 911. That was Bush’s great crisis. And, like Trump, he responded badly, lying his way into a war with Iraq.

Sorry, but it’s just not appropriate to become misty-eyed over anything George Bush says. He’s responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and the damaged lives of many more. He’s also responsible for the deaths of at least a million people in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is a war criminal who should be on trial at the Hague, and a few obvious words of condolence on a recent tragedy won’t persuade me otherwise.

I’ve read memes that say, “Trump lied and people died.” Well, Bush lied and at least a million died. Doesn’t anyone remember the protests prior to the invasion of Iraq? Doesn’t anyone remember the government lying to the UN? That I’m Proud to be An American was again popular, but the Dixie Chicks were in Trouble?

Doesn’t anyone remember, for that matter, “freedom fries”?

Like thousands of others, I spent many hours and days at anti-war protests during the Bush years. I remember how frustrating it felt when most of America cheered as we invaded another country based on information that was known to be false. So, no, do not allow Bush to whitewash his crimes. Do not accept solace from a war criminal.



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